Mikki went on the search for his mom in the countryside, his aunt was cold and was not giving him any contact information and even made up a lie that his mom had moved to another country. After a week and a half of Mikki being alone beside some old friends he would meet along the way he was beginning to lose hope.
We decided our team needed to go and see what was going on, there had to be someone that knew his moms number even though she had moved. Amilly and Brooke went and spent 3 days there. Immediately upon arrival they went and visited the aunt she was not home so they went to a family friend and that is when they were told the truth that Mikki’s mom had died.
Mikki was extremely sad and shed many tears as the realization that his dream would never come true. He would never be reunited with his mom. We didn't want to share this information yet until we talked to the aunt. The next evening the aunt was finally home after several trips prior to her home. That Is when she confirmed that Mikki’s mom had died. She had been dishonest to protect Mikki in a way but at the same time was not welcoming to him because he had been on the streets for so long and she was scared that Mikki would steal what little she had. We asked if she could take Mikki in but she said she couldn’t because she is poor and has children of her own.
We sought out to see if there was any way that Mikki could survive there. The answer was no. There would be no way that he could find a job. We had to move quickly. We had been praying for about a week constantly seeking Gods face for what HE would have us do with Mikki. He had to come home with Brooke and Amilly when they came back we couldn’t leave him there alone having no one after finding out that the one he had hoped to be reunited with, the one God had chosen to birth him was now dead.
With having him back in Addis we continued to pray and ask God please open a door please provide for you boy. We juggled school options he could go to night school maybe in September starting 5th grade as a young adult. What would we do with him until then and how could we keep this young boy occupied during the day.
We went and met with a school that offers woodwork training. We have a friend who has a connection there. We met with them and Mikki was accepted into the program. He started school today and was super excited. He will do this school for one year. Then they will set him up to succeed with work.
We stand in awe of who our FATHER is and how HE has such a great plan and purpose for each one of his chosen ones. You must be willing to say YES to HIM. To get uncomfortable and MAKE YOUR MARK in this world so that others may be saved.
Continue to pray for Mikki as he is on a new journey. Pray that we are able to LOVE Mikki and be Jesus to him so that HE will accept his FATHERS love for him, for that is the most important decision that he can make. Pray that HE will see GODS perfect plan for his life and give HIM all the praise.
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-To have us come and share all that he is doing through us this summer July, August or September please email us at tpost@mymministries.org
THANK YOU for your support that EMPOWERS us to EMPOWER others!!